Archive for the ‘Etc’ Category

Holiday Gift Guide: Raleigh Denim

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

Lovely photo courtesy: Nick Pironio

The holidays are a time for giving, a chance to reflect and count your blessings (or so I’ve been told). And really, who deserves more than Atticus besties Raleigh Denim? They’ve had an incredible 2010. They opened a crushingly beautiful new shop, exponentially expanded their production team and soon have to deal with John Webb in person. Like everyday. *

Still haven’t checked off everyone on your shopping list? Steal some downright heartwarming ideas from Victor and Sarah, or at the very least, amend your list of Alexander Wang and The Lake & Stars, because material goods, while incredibly satisfying, can’t compare to good friends, good food and boots.

Here’s what’s on their lists of things to give and get this year.

To give:

  • Crushing hugs and hi fives to friends I have not seen since last Christmas
  • Shit about stopping smoking to one of our BFFF’s. (Editor’s note: he’s totally talking about Kristin. Seriously. Okay, don’t worry Mrs. Wild, he’s not.)
  • Escazu Chocolate
  • A sub-woofer speaker for my friend’s car so he can bump through the hood

To get:

  • Sleeps and a back massage.
  • A bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape
  • A wheel of Manchego cheese and some salami from Graze
  • A warm Saint James sweater

To give:

To get:

  • ISAORA Alpaca PMC coat
  • The most amazing beef jerky I’ve ever had (from the Madison Farmers Market). For real, I don’t even eat beef, but make an exception for that jerky.
  • A day to sleep until 2 or 3pm
  • Climbing trip to the Red River Gorge
  • Boots!

*Just kidding John. Hearts!

Style Doppelgangers: Part 2!

Monday, December 20th, 2010

Mere moments after posting my style doppelganger, I received the above photo of Kristin and Stephani.

Unplanned, semi-embarrassing, but mostly just hilarious: doppelgangers are hot for 2011. You heard it here first.

Holiday Gift Guide: Rag & Bone

Thursday, December 16th, 2010

Wondering what to get Marcus and David this year? Us too! Although it’s hard to top their January Vogue feature, I guess the Ferrari will just have to do.

Here’s what they’re asking Santa for this year:


  • A new pen
  • Oliver Peoples sunglasses
  • Babolat xs102 tennis racket
  • Vino Nobile di Montalcino
  • A hug from santa


  • A Ferrari
  • A new lens for his Leica
  • Cashmere socks
  • A white Christmas for his kids
  • A Buzz Lightyear

Let Me Stuff Your Stockings!

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

Hopefully no one else besides Kristin will have to endure the vintage (Mom’s decorations from the ’80’s) masking tape stocking this year! For everyone else who can actually fit stuffers into their stockings, we’ve taken the liberty of picking out our Atticus Shop favorites for you!


Inspiration: Indian Summer

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Started as a way to save her hard drive from the right click addiction many of us share, Sea of Shoes extraordinaire, Jane Aldridge created a new tumblr.

I suffer the same affliction. (A-click-tion?! Heh.) Nearly every day, I drag images to my desktop because I can’t stand the thought of losing them forever. Half the time, they remain buried in a folder never to be seen again, but I’ve been forcing myself to peruse back and I’m always reminded of that first feeling of inspiration, creativity, beauty, whatever it was that made me save it in the first place.

And as a wannabe writer, I’m shooting myself, Chris Burden style, in the arm when saying this, but sometimes writing is overrated. I just want to look at pretty pictures all day, is that too much to ask?! Here’s a mashup (stolen almost exclusively from Garance and the Sartorialist) of what I can’t get enough of at this very second.


Listicle with Commentary*

Friday, October 1st, 2010

In an act of sweeping self-importance I’m co-opting today’s post because it’s my birthday. Today, more so than any other, I indulge my compulsive introspection and need to assign meaning where there is none, to bestow gems of knowledge I’ve accumulated over the past three decades. Some are lessons I’ve learned, like a big girl, on my own, some I’ve stolen from other sources and some I’ve copped from and attributed to my brilliant friends.

Clichés are Underrated: 29 lessons for 29 years

  1. You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.
  2. If a conversation bores you or you don’t like who you’re hanging out with, it doesn’t mean you should have another drink to make it tolerable. It means you should go home.
  3. Families are not just biological. As you get older, and if you’re lucky enough, you get to create your own.
  4. Five cocktails at brunch are probably plenty.
  5. (more…)

Happy Fashion Week Lovelies!

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Word on the Street

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

We always knew they were special. We’re raising our champagne glasses to Atticus boyfriends Marcus Wainwright and David Neville of Rag & Bone for winning the 2010 CFDA Award for Menswear Designer of the Year. Job well done!


Friday, May 14th, 2010

Many of you have likely fallen into a panicked haze, worrying yourself sick as to why your cherished Atticus blog has been so quiet lately. Calm down; maybe pour yourself a drink and rest assured we haven’t abandoned you, actually quite the opposite! We’ve been logging extra hours migrating content and upgrading the site to our very own stylish platform.

In addition to easier navigation, you can now manage subscriptions and sign up to receive e-mail alerts every time we publish our poignant inner musings. Dream come true, right? But dear readers, as an added bonus for your patience, now through May 31st, when you subscribe, you’ll be automatically entered to win a $50 Atticus gift card. We’re giving away 4 total as a token of appreciation and just because we love you so much.

Check it out and be sure to let us know what you think.

Impulse Buy!

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

On the way to work this morning, I let my feelings about how I looked be known with the comment,”I might as well die…I hate my outfit.” That may have been a little dramatic, but I really just didn’t feel good about my staple Nicole Richie go-to outfit today.

The minute I got to work, I ransacked the racks and tried on all of my current Atticus favorites (Relwen men’s shirts, Charlotte Ronson dresses and Filippa K Tanks) and the winner was the Loomstate La Paloma Jumper.

Even though I told myself I was going to stop shopping, it’s impossible to feel guilty about this outfit. It looks so good, in fact, that I didn’t even have to justify the purchase to Kristin (who already told me she’ll be borrowing it…a lot).

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