Archive for November, 2010


Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

One of the many things that made our lists this year.

You’ve most likely spent the day desperately clicking refresh on the old Atticus blog wondering when we’d post our annual line-up of what we’re thankful for this very second! We’ve been so busy we almost forgot, but far be it for us to ruin anyone’s holiday weekend! Behold, deep thoughts from Kristin and Bekah.

What Kiki’s thankful for this year:

  • My families – The Wild family, the Atticus family and my family of friends
  • My Boyfriend Birk– And the fact that even though long distance blows, I’ve gotten to discover how rad Minneapolis is!
  • My discovery of Raleigh – The city, the denim and new bfffs
  • My new appreciation for fantasy football – Especially Antonio, Roddy and Reggie
  • Rag&Bone
  • Graze

What Bekah’s thankful for this year:

  • Double Rainbows – Even on a stormy Friday the 13th, they’re a sign of good things to come.
  • Adoptive Mom & Dad – Yes, they gift me Alexander Wang handbags and have paid for what amounts to a college education’s worth of brunches, but without their sage advice I would be lost. “General guideline: What you call ‘flirting’ is actually semi-terrifying sexual harassment. Maybe it’s time to revisit your definition.”
  • Travel – Especially Raleigh and Minny for allowing me to add new friends to my creative commune with every trip.
  • Shari 2010 – Words cannot even explain.
  • Kanye’s New Album – Oh Kanye, you had me at serato.

Introducing…the Atticus Holiday Gift Guide!

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

The night before Thanksgiving and what are we thinking about? Black Friday of course! And my own personal favorite, cyber Monday. We put together an extra special Holiday gift guide for everyone on your list. Browse from the comfort of your elastic pants tomorrow or stop in and check out the deals in person. The more you spend, the more you save!

Raleigh Denim + Atticus

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Atticus journeyed to Raleigh this weekend for the opening of our Raleigh Denim bfff’s new endeavor, the Curatory. The workshop, warehouse and storefront hybrid is nothing short of spectacular, but dual 6 a.m. flights mean we’re still catching up, so please stay tuned for a proper update!

In the meantime, (since embarrassingly, I can barely turn my camera on) we’ll leave the images to the professionals. Check out these absolutely beautiful photos of the Curatory, courtesy of our new friend Nick.

Just a regs Saturday…

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

Let’s talk about my weekend for a second. What? You don’t want to hear about my weekend? Well too damn bad! Get your own blog then. And update it more frequently because I’m not even talking about this past weekend.

Never in my life have I seen so many guys assembled in one place just killing it in denim and sneaks. Everywhere I looked, it was like a crooked tongues members-only meeting and somehow I snagged an invite. At one point there may have been drool.

We were helping some friends with a video shoot and were too busy dancing for 15 takes to accurately capture the mood, but here’s a little sneak peak. Bonus points if you can spot the Loeffler Randall! And don’t you worry, as soon as the vid’s out, you’ll be the first to see it.

Thanks new Doomtree friends. Atticus will drape you in fur anytime!

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