Archive for the ‘Bekah’ Category

Style Doppelgangers

Friday, December 17th, 2010

A go-to outfit, or weekend uniform in my case, is especially essential in arctic temperatures when just getting out the door is a challenge. I’d been feeling rather confident about mine after finally scoring the perfect oversized men’s chambray I’d been hunting for since August. I was a vision of smug, self-satisfaction until a good friend saw said outfit and proceeded to put on the exact same thing, leggings and all. And look better in it than I did.

But I decided style doppelgangers are way cool. Granted, his A.P.C. schools mine, but I’ll still wear the shit out of various combinations of this look. Plus, we can confuse people in bars, double score! Dying to get in on the fun? Nau has a good option.

Extra special note: my style twin just happens to be an insanely talented artist. AND (could things get any better?!) he’s part of a show this weekend along with an Atticus favorite, Lauren from Carrier Pigeon. Go check it out! Denim shirts optional.

Inside Atticus: Raquel!

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Model off duty style is a rare glimpse of perfection. You get to witness the world’s most beautiful clothing on the size it was actually crafted for, and get a voyeurish peek at the model’s own unique interpretation. Plus, leather jackets. What is it about models and leather jackets?

Atticus’s own beloved model and brand new member of the official adult club, Raquel, let us check out what she rocks on the rare days she’s not slaving away for us.

We’ve always wanted an Amelia Earhart leather jacket too.

Inspiration: Indian Summer

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Started as a way to save her hard drive from the right click addiction many of us share, Sea of Shoes extraordinaire, Jane Aldridge created a new tumblr.

I suffer the same affliction. (A-click-tion?! Heh.) Nearly every day, I drag images to my desktop because I can’t stand the thought of losing them forever. Half the time, they remain buried in a folder never to be seen again, but I’ve been forcing myself to peruse back and I’m always reminded of that first feeling of inspiration, creativity, beauty, whatever it was that made me save it in the first place.

And as a wannabe writer, I’m shooting myself, Chris Burden style, in the arm when saying this, but sometimes writing is overrated. I just want to look at pretty pictures all day, is that too much to ask?! Here’s a mashup (stolen almost exclusively from Garance and the Sartorialist) of what I can’t get enough of at this very second.


Listicle with Commentary*

Friday, October 1st, 2010

In an act of sweeping self-importance I’m co-opting today’s post because it’s my birthday. Today, more so than any other, I indulge my compulsive introspection and need to assign meaning where there is none, to bestow gems of knowledge I’ve accumulated over the past three decades. Some are lessons I’ve learned, like a big girl, on my own, some I’ve stolen from other sources and some I’ve copped from and attributed to my brilliant friends.

Clichés are Underrated: 29 lessons for 29 years

  1. You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.
  2. If a conversation bores you or you don’t like who you’re hanging out with, it doesn’t mean you should have another drink to make it tolerable. It means you should go home.
  3. Families are not just biological. As you get older, and if you’re lucky enough, you get to create your own.
  4. Five cocktails at brunch are probably plenty.
  5. (more…)

Update: Nothing Like Toms & Guns

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

The farm weekend upstate was a smashing sartorial success! For your viewing pleasure:

A friend’s impromptu photo shoot with the lovely Elena.


Happy Fashion Week Lovelies!

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Packing for Relaxing…or…What to Wear if You Hate Nature

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

For many, Labor Day marks the final hurrah before the onset of cooler temperatures; a chance for a quick getaway, the last opportunity to pack in as much summertime chillin before autumn sneaks up. I’ll be spending mine channeling the spring Chanel show with a group of friends at a farmhouse up north. Eating, drinking, boating, horseback riding, antiquing, campfires and fortune tellers await…but what to pack in my weekender to bid adieu to summer 2010?


Inside Atticus

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

Our models will do anything for a good shot!

Hearts to the max!

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Oft-inspired by Garance (perhaps that should be a category of its own on this blog?), I’m dying over her post detailing banished fashion terminology.

As an avid reader and writer, I’m bombarded with an endless supply of words and phrases I’d like to take behind the barn and beat with a shovel. Obviously, I’m not immune, I break my own rules as often as I follow them, (what don’t I “heart”?) but I like to think Atticus is not your average fashion-forward friend. I’m not going to insist you “can’t live without” something or “need it now,” because really, if I’m promising this, there are some bigger issues at hand. I’ll drone on and on (and on) about what I love and why I do, but the rest is up to you to carve out for yourself. And as my dear friend/mentor/style advisor/Chanel 2.55 benefactor says, at the end of the day, we’re not digging ditches. After, all, it’s just fashion.

But for a bit of fun, here’s my list of phrases I’d like to stop seeing:


Deep Thoughts: Raleigh Edition

Friday, August 20th, 2010

We’ve been on an elated high since our Raleigh Denim event. A torrential downpour on Friday the 13th eventually turned into double rainbows (literally!) and Sarah and Victor’s visit was brilliant, amazing, insightful and the most fun we’ve had in a very long time.

We delighted in showing them around town (meaning we took them to 3 of the only 3 places we ever go) and Victor even dropped his own version of deep thoughts: “It’s better to make too little and have it all gone than to make too much and have left overs.” Word Victor, word. While we were at it, we even managed to sneak in an interview question! Without further ado, the one and only question I ever ask:

If your style had a soundtrack, what would it be?

“The National, Gayngs, Rosebuds, Megafun, Caribou and of course Kayne and Jay-Z.”

You heard it here first. Thank you again to everyone who shared the fun: everyone who attended, the incredible staff at Graze, our sick dj, our lovely photographer and of course Raleigh Denim.

Best friend bracelets coming soon guys!

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